Celebrating 100 Episodes: A Journey of Leadership and Evolution

I am thrilled to share a milestone that wouldn't be possible without your incredible support – our 100th episode!
As I reflect on this journey, I'm excited to dive deeper into the evolution of the podcast and the transformative experiences that have shaped not only the show but also my approach to leadership and business.
The Genesis: A Pandemic-Induced Pivot
When I embarked on this podcasting adventure, my focus centered on customer success consulting, driven by a passion for nurturing successful client relationships.
However, the tumultuous pandemic year of 2020 forced an unexpected pivot.
My consulting business vanished overnight, thrusting me into the challenge of diversifying opportunities and finding novel ways to engage with clients.
Embracing Change: The Evolutionary Road
This shift led to the creation of "The 30-Day Leadership Playbook" and a transition from leadership coaching to leadership training.
The success of the book paved the way for sharing my leadership expertise through training programs.
I experimented with various formats, from recorded courses to the B2B Leadership Academy membership program.
Despite economic uncertainties, I persevered, birthing the Leadership MBA – a 12-week live training program empowering leaders to confidently navigate any challenge.
The Four Pillars of Leadership
In the crucible of this journey, four pillars of leadership emerged.
Personal leadership involves mastering psychology, strengths, time management, and building repeatable systems.
Team leadership emphasizes creating an inclusive team identity, using coaching skills, and having a toolkit to drive the performance of your team.
Communication leadership empowers leaders to convey their value and their team's value across the organization.
Performance metrics leadership uses metrics to drive team behavior and achieve desired results.
The Leadership MBA Program: Shaping Future Leaders
The Leadership MBA program, which had its first cohort in October 2023, is designed to teach these four pillars of leadership.
I'm excited about the opportunity to share my tools and expertise with these leaders.
I believe that having more equipped leaders in the world will make a positive impact.
The program not only offers valuable content but also provides the opportunity to connect and collaborate with leaders from different companies and regions.
After the 12-week program, participants can join leadership masterminds to continue receiving support and insights from leaders worldwide.
Be the CEO of Your Own Career: A Lesson in Empowerment
Throughout my journey, I've learned the importance of being the CEO of your own career.
It's crucial to take control and make decisions that align with your goals and aspirations.
Don't wait for others or your company to dictate your learning and growth opportunities.
Be resourceful and find ways to acquire the skills and knowledge you need, even if it means investing your own resources.
The Evolution of the Podcast: From Interviews to In-Depth Conversations
As the B2B Leadership podcast evolved, I transitioned from interviews to more in-depth conversations with guests, allowing listeners to be a fly on the wall and gain valuable insights and inspiration.
I invite feedback from the audience on future topics and express my commitment to continuous improvement and evolution.
In Conclusion: A Journey of Lifelong Evolution
In all facets of life – be it podcasting, business, or client relationships – evolution is paramount.
I'm thrilled to continue this journey with you, sharing knowledge, making a difference in the world of leadership, and crafting the next 100 episodes.
Thank you for being an integral part of this extraordinary journey.
Here's to the next 100 episodes and beyond!
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In this episode...
1:05 - Evolution of business and podcast - Nils reflects on the evolution of his business from customer success consulting to writing a book and running training programs.
2:08 - Challenges during the Pandemic - Nils discusses how his consulting business disappeared during the pandemic and the need to find new opportunities to sustain their business.
8:20 - Creating the Leadership MBA - Nils explains the transition from a membership model to the creation of the Leadership MBA, a 12-week live training program for leaders.
18:15 - Bird's eye view - Nils shares how his podcast helps him understand the paths leaders took to reach their current positions.
20:00 - Becoming the CEO of your career - Nils emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's career, making decisions, and not relying on others to dictate growth and development.
21:52 - The power of being resourceful - Nils highlights the value of resourcefulness in acquiring skills and opportunities, regardless of financial constraints, to add more value to oneself and others.

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The Leadership MBA is a 12-week comprehensive program that will give you all the practical tools you need to become a true leader and the CEO of your career.

The product of nearly 2 decades of leadership coaching Managers, Directors, and VPs at companies like Apple and Oracle, the Leadership MBA will show you exactly how to crack the leadership code through a proven step-by-step process.

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