How to Adapt Your Leadership Style with Dustin Tysick

As a leader in the B2B space, one of the most important skills you can cultivate is the ability to adapt your leadership style to different employees.
In this episode of the B2B Leadership Podcast, Nils and Dustin discuss the importance of self-awareness, reading the room, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of team members.
Dustin shares his experience as a VP of Revenue at Testimonial Hero and emphasizes the value of coaching and adapting to different personalities and processing styles.
He suggests using tools like the Myers-Briggs test to understand employees' personality types and delegating tasks to let employees take ownership of meetings and develop their skills.
But it's not just about understanding personalities - it's also about recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of team members.
Using assessments like StrengthsFinder can help you provide the language to describe natural talents and find team members with complementary strengths to backfill areas where you may not be as strong.
And it's important to give team members the freedom to solve problems in their own way while providing guidance and coaching.
Ultimately, it's about unlocking employee potential by providing guardrails and freedom.
Giving employees ownership and aligning their work with their strengths leads to engaged, driven, and inspired employees who feel a real ownership stake in their work.
And when employees feel satisfied and fulfilled, that satisfaction translates into how they feel about their leader, company, customers, and life in general.
So if you want to build a successful team in the B2B space, take a pause, read the room, and understand the strengths and weaknesses of team members.
Provide guardrails and freedom, and give employees ownership and opportunities to stretch themselves.
By doing so, you'll unlock their potential and create a better work environment for everyone.
Learn more about B2B Revenue Leaders Podcast at
Learn more about Testimonial Hero at
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In this episode...
0:50 - Dustin's background - Dustin shares a little bit about his podcast and the company he works for.
4:21 - Reading the room - How important is it to take a pause and read the room, especially in emotionally charged situations?
6:05 - Self-awareness - Dustin shares tips on how leaders can take a pause.
8:07 - Meetings and preparation - Dustin explains why it's important to have a meeting agenda and how should you prepare for it.
15:29 - Understanding employee functioning - What strategies does Dustin use to understand how their employees function and operate in different environments?
17:28 - Assessments for self-awareness - What are the benefits of assessments like Myers-Briggs and StrengthsFinder in providing language to describe natural talents and acknowledging weaknesses?
24:29 - Guardrails and freedom - How leaders can provide structure and guardrails for their employees to operate creatively within, leading to engagement and ownership.
28:36 - Getting specific on employee goals - Dustin discusses the importance of asking specific questions about what employees like and don't like about their roles, and how this can help leaders understand where to invest in their growth.

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