The other two managers and director were new to their roles while Alana had been in her role for three years.
As a result, Alana was most familiar with the team processes and procedures and be default took responsibility for them.
These activities were things Alana had learned how to do over the years but were never clearly documented and there were no instructions for other managers to follow.
The problem Alana faced was that she needed to share these responsibilities but she didn't have a method that was repeatable for other managers to follow where they could take the same level of ownership as she had.
This made her feel super overwhelmed.
Alana was taking on way too much responsibility for things that should have been shared with her fellow leaders.
This made her feel fearful of taking time off because she didn't have confidence that things wouldn't fall apart while she was gone.
To solve this problem, Alana turned to the B2B Leaders Academy.
Alana was able to bring this problem to the community and immediately get insight into the fact that an expectation was never explicitly set around who owns these responsibilities and how they should be shared.
This was a big aha moment for Alana as she had never looked at the problem from this angle.
The insight Alana gained came directly from questions asked by members of the community who were leaders in different companies than her own.
This insight drove Alana to focus on the Build Repeatable Systems training in the Content area of the B2B Leaders Academy.
This training gave her the step-by-step process to follow for how to create repeatable systems for her team to follow.
Once she built the systems and set the expectations with her peers, everyone would know exactly what to do and how to do it.
Armed with the step-by-step process to follow, Alana took action.
She started by creating a prioritized list of the biggest distractions of her time and the activities that should be shared with her peer leaders.
Alana then followed the steps outlined in the training to build repeatable systems so that they could run without her.
There were two big results Alana experienced.
First, her team now has a playbook that contains all of their documented procedures and processes.
This playbook is not only something they can use today but future managers can also use the playbook too, which is very exciting.
The second big result came from Alana's manager.
Alana had gone on a two-week vacation and upon returning, asked her manager "how was everything while I was gone?"
His response was "We didn't even miss you at all."
At first, this hurt a little bit...
But it was actually the best compliment in the world when taking time off because she knew she had built repeatable systems that could keep her team running without her.
Alana is an Elite Leader.
Discover the coaching and communication skills used by the world's top leaders (running B2B organizations) to solve challenges and become an "Elite Leader".